
Code & Codex

I’ve sold a new book! I’ll quote the Publishers Marketplace entry:

…CODE AND CODEX, about plans to reach backwards and forwards in time by revising history in this space opera adventure of linguistics magic in the author’s return to adult science fiction, to Joe Monti at Saga Press, in a pre-empt, for publication in summer 2025, by Seth Fishman at The Gernert Company (NA).

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Moonstorm #1

Cover for Moonstorm by Yoon Ha Lee: a teenage Asian girl with short black hair with a white streak and blue eyes amid white flowers against a fissured red moon in targeting crosshairs.

In a society where conformity is valued above all else, a teen girl training to become an Imperial pilot is forced to return to her rebel roots to save her world in this adrenaline-fueled sci-fi adventure—perfect for fans of Iron Widow and Skyward!

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Ninefox Gambit RPG

NINEFOX GAMBIT RPG is a tabletop roleplaying game of heresy and hard choices set in the tyrannical interstellar empire known as the Hexarchate.

YOU belong to one of the Hexarchate’s six factions. YOU are entangled with a regime that can change the very laws of physics—at the cost of human sacrifice.

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Ninefox Gambit RPG

You are a citizen of the Hexarchate, a tyrannical empire that spans countless systems and star fortresses. The vast majority of the population labors under the rule of six Hexarchs and the factions they control. In exchange for power or prestige, you’ve joined a faction yourself.

These truths you know:

The Hexarchate’s technologies depend on consensus mechanics, with the population holding identical beliefs. Heretics who defy its laws and traditions—collectively known as the high calendar—threaten everything from the functioning of FTL stardrives to medical care and power generation. The ritual sacrifice of heretics, a practice demanded by the high calendar, is a small price to pay for the collective good…a price that increasingly troubles you.

But the Hexarchate is at war, and without the great and terrible weapons fueled by those sacrifices, it would lose. As awful as the Hexarchate is, its enemies are worse.